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The factory of the future

We responsibly and respectfully transform the Planet's raw materials and share these values with our customers.

Forgialluminio has been implementing a policy of respect for the environment for years, carrying out efficiency and sustainability projects.
We invest in research and innovation, with attention to the ecosystem and social responsibility.
Aluminum is the green material par excellence: recyclable and reusable.

Forgialluminio - Company - Sustainability - Photovoltaic

Forgialluminio supports actively the respect of human rights that are internationally recognized in order to go beyond any kind of discrimination and for this reason it rejects any forms of child and forced labour, does not tolerate any form of discrimination. Therefore, business relationships with organizations that do not comply with this policy are banned.

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Forgialluminio - Company - Sustainability - Photovoltaic

Transforming Aluminum implies the use of energy: that's why we have equipped our production facilities with photovoltaic systems for the purpose of creating renewable energy. We strive daily to improve our plants with technologies aimed at constant energy savings resulting in reduced CO2 emissions.

Forgialluminio - Company - Sustainability - Raw material from recovery processes

Forgialluminio works according to the principle of circular economy, using as much as possible Aluminum derived from Secondary Raw Material. This is a material obtained from a recovery process of production waste or raw materials derived from recycling processes. With a view to a circular economy, less waste and more resources.

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©2024 Forgialluminio 3 s.r.l. | P.IVA IT00297110256 | C.F. 01906790249
Company’s capital: € 250.000,00 f.p. | Belluno n° 01906790249