Ethical Code
Forgialluminio supports actively the respect of human rights that are internationally recognized in order to go beyond any kind of discrimination and for this reason it rejects any forms of child and forced labour, does not tolerate any form of discrimination or unfair treatment based on gender, race and ethnic origin, disability, religion, age and sexual orientation. Therefore, business relationships with organizations that do not comply with this policy are banned.
While performing its tasks and activities, Forgialluminio promotes the application of ethical and environmental principles, engaging itself actively to grant an equal,productive and discrimination-free workplace and evaluating employees according to professional performances. In order to achieve these aims, everyone inside the company shall assume the responsibilities and treat colleagues, customers and suppliers under full respect and professionality.
The present Code of Ethics has been raised to give guidelines to respect laws and both national and international regulations.
Scope and field of application
The Code of Ethics is the official document where Forgialluminio sets the ethical principles that are acknowledged and that shall be consistently followed by stakeholders with which the company interacts daily: shareholders, the financial market, customers, suppliers, competitors, institutions, the community and employees. The Code of Ethics defines a standard of behavior and is the reference document for all the individuals that operate in the name of Forgialluminio and that have to comply with, in order to prevent offences linked to the business activity of Forgialluminio.
Norms and standards of conduct
Forgialluminio undertakes the commitment to guarantee the following:
Integrity: Every subject shall keep a conduct inspired by transparency and moral integrity - particularly by honesty, fairness and good faith - when performing his/her activity.
Impartiality: Equal job opportunities are offered to all employees and associates accordingly to their professional qualification and performance ability, avoiding any discrimination based on race, religion, opinion, nationality, gender, age or physical and social conditions.
Responsibility: Every subject shall provide his/her professional service in line with the assigned tasks, goals and responsibilities, without delegating the performing of activities or the making of decisions to other employees or collaborators who are not entitled to. Every subject shall avoid providing his/her professional service under the influence of alcoholic or narcotic substances or substances having comparable effects, and shall perform his/her activity safely.
Respect: being respectful towards everyone and their job.
Conflict of interests: avoiding any situation that could lead to a conflict between
personal private business interests and the job in the company or the company’s
interests. If any should accidentally occur, employees are required to handle the
situation with transparency and professionalism.
Confidentiality: all non-public information, collected and processed through work activities, is to be treated in a responsible and confidential manner and must not be disclosed to any unauthorized third party.
Gifts policy: accepting or offering, directly or indirectly, business courtesies such as gifts, payments and benefits, is permissible only when they do not appear as means to unethically gain personal or company privileges. The employee or associate who receives/accepts gifts that cannot be considered as unbiased business courtesies must refuse them and promptly notify his or her supervisor and the relevant departments of the incident.
Health and safety: taking steps to promote risk prevention, environmental and safety practices for themselves and other people.
Environmental protection: in performing their job, Subjects shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the environment and align the company’s activity with the following principles:
- preventing pollution
- minimizing the employment of resources and energy
- developing environmentally friendly products
Violation of the rules of the Code of Conduct
The rules herewith included complement all the civil and criminal laws that all employees and the legal representative are expected to observe. The general reference regulation that disciplines the responsibility of legal entities is the D.Lgs. 231/2001.
Enforcement of the Code
The responsibility of the application of the Code of Conduct rests with the Sole Administrator, assisted by the appointed managers, who shall:
- ensure that all Subjects read, understand and comply with the Code;
- oversee that all employees and associates act accordingly with the Code and investigate thoroughly on every reported violation, by involving the interested parties in the corrective process;
- assess the effectiveness of the Code and the rules it contains;
- update the Code so that it can always reflect the reality of the company.
Pedavena, 15.01.2019